Nginx Compile


We will do for you many thing such as compile, security or the technology chessboard.


Compile brings creative breakthrough and it makes high-tech things for society.


Let us assist you in your search and research to save you time on this difficult task.


Information technology brings efficient working connection to help complete work quickly.


Service is a term used to describe activities that provide value to customers or partners. It includes activities such as providing products, repair technology solutions and valuable research seekings to customer creative projects. Businesses often need services to increase their competitiveness and create long-term relationships with customers and improve the reputation of business brand has a place and with long-term position in society.

Nginx Compile

Nginx does not support loadable modules like the Apache web server. You need to select and include the third party module(s) to use compilation. Using compilation and source installation has several benefits as you can install, tweak nginx configuration by adding or removing modules and changing the system installation path or other important settings, in other words, you have full control. Compile nginx reverse proxy usable efficient (load balance) and streaming media player.

Nginx Open Source

Nginx is a powerful and widely known open source web server for serving web pages. To create a website, we need a static web server or a dynamic web server. A web server is called a static web server because the web server sends files that do not change to the user's browser. A dynamic web server consists of application and database . It is called a dynamic web server because the application update the database before sending them to the user's browser.